In this course Mike introduces you to option spreads and – more importantly -helps you establish a mental paradigm that will accompany and guide you for the remainder of your trading career.
About this course
In this course Mike introduces you to option spreads and – more importantly -helps you establish a mental paradigm that will accompany and guide you for the remainder of your trading career.
What is a vertical spread and why would you choose it over buying a naked option?
Bullish or bearish - call spreads or put spreads - Mike explains it all and then introduces you to a fundamental concept called the box spread.
What is a calendar spread and why would you want to trade one? And what is theta and how does it affect my option spread? It's all related to an obscure concept called 'theta' - Mike does a deep dive into what is probably the most important aspect of trading options.
Repetition, repetition, repetition. Mike walks you through various examples of how to construct and value your calendar spread.
In the last episode of the 201 course Mike shows you how to build a calendar spread and most importantly how to estimate its value by the time you close out the trade.