Cryptonaissance Onboarding
Scott Phillips produced some basic onboarding videos in order to fast track all new Cryptonaissance members to get set up and trading cyrpto coins.
6 Lessons
Trading Psychology Class
This extensive series covers everything we have learned about managing our own inner demons during combined 40 years of being traders and over twenty-five years of actually trading for a living.
12 Lessons
Price Action Masterclass
This extensive series covers everything we have learned in combined 40 years of interpreting price action for our own discretionary setups.
15 Lessons
System Building Masterclass
This extensive series covers everything we have learned in combined 30 years of building and perfecting automated trading systems.
24 Lessons
A collection of courses designed to teach you how to trade options from the ground up and with a focus on developing a fundamental understanding of how to assess your max risk as well as your expected gains.
2 Lessons
Options 101
New to trading options? Or have you traded options for a while and ended up losing and don't even know why? Watch this course and join the coveted 5% of traders who make money trading options on a long term basis.
8 Lessons
Options 201
In this course Mike introduces you to option spreads and - more importantly -helps you establish a mental paradigm that will accompany and guide you for the remainder of your trading career.
5 Lessons
IVTS Intro
Introduction to the Implied Volatility Term Structure (IVTS)
Weekly Returns With Butterflies
This comprehensive course will teach you how to place butterflies in the context of the weekly expected move (EM), thus offering a reliable long term edge for option traders.
5 Lessons
Payday Friday Masterclass
An advanced introduction into implied volatility, weekly expected move (EM), and how to leverage mean reversion after a break out.
9 Lessons